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Administration and governance essentials module wrap-up

Jessi Moths
Jessi Moths // Director, Field Services, Enterprise Products // GitHub

Congratulations on taking the first steps toward a successful implementation of GitHub Enterprise Cloud!

With these configurations and policies in place and fundamental decisions made, you’re well on your way to building like the best in the business. We’ve explored the core structural components of GitHub Enterprise and discussed how they, and the various settings available, can interact to provide you with a flexible setup to meet your compliance requirements, while still providing a platform for interaction and innovation. By following some best practice recommendations and conferring with your stakeholders along the way, you can be confident that you’re building a foundation that can be used to prevent downstream maintenance burdens while promoting innersource, collaboration, and efficient organizational structures. 

What’s next?

More modules in the administration and governance learning pathway are on the way, where we’ll tackle more advanced topics, such as implementing identity provider integration for GitHub Enterprise Cloud with Enterprise Managed Users, or designing and executing governance and compliance policies. 

If you’re already using GitHub Enterprise, make sure to check out the community forums or head over to our premium support for 24/7 assistance. And if you’re not yet using GitHub Enterprise, now’s the time to get started building like the best!

And make sure to check out our other learning pathways for GitHub Actions and GitHub Advanced Security.

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