

Demo Day: Automating CI/CD and Security on a single platform with GitHub Enterprise

Get hands-on support for code-to-cloud automation. Join us for a technical deep dive into GitHub Enterprise, plus how you can build, deploy, and secure your applications using GitHub Actions, Packages, and GitHub security alerts.

Recent videos

GitHub Copilot Workshop

GitHub Copilot Workshop

Galaxy Tokyo 2024 Archives

Galaxy Tokyo 2024 Archives

Galaxy Tokyo 2024 Archives

GitHub Roadmap Webinar Video

GitHub Roadmap Webinar Video


GitHub Roadmap Webinar Video

GitHub Roadmap Video series

Copilot Enterprise

GitHub Copilot Enterprise learning video

General availability of GitHub Copilot Enterprise for GitHub Enterprise Cloud users!

Maximizing your ROI with GitHub Enterprise and Advanced Security

As you wrap up 2022, is innovation on your mind? Helping your developers work efficiently may be the key to unlocking innovation, but means overcoming the challenges of a sprawling tech stack. Organizations that effectively tackle the real issues of process and technical resource coordination are the most successful.

GitHub Universe24 Recap Tokyo

GitHub Universe Recap Tokyo

Creating an innersource culture at Booz Allen Hamilton

Effective collaboration within an enterprise is critical for InnerSource success. Hear from Ki Lee of Booz Allen Hamilton as he shares how his team improved collaboration and development practices while maintaining visibility and compliance with InnerSource.

Webinar: Maximizing your ROI with GitHub Enterprise and GitHub Advanced Security

If you’re wondering how you can empower your own teams to deliver better code, faster, we’ve got just the thing for you. The Total Economic Impact of GitHub™—a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting—demonstrates how GitHub can help your enterprise build a collaborative culture, reduce costs, accelerate innovation, and improve code security and compliance.

Fireside Chat: Unleash the power of open source securely

Open source software is the essential building block for any modern software project. Consuming open source securely and contributing back to the community have invaluable benefits at individual and organizational levels.<br><br>Join our fireside chat with IAG, Woolworths and GitHub experts as we discuss the pillars of a successful open source strategy including DevOps and security.

Found means fixed: Addressing security debt at scale

Software vulnerabilities accumulate over time, creating security debt. While traditional AppSec tools identify issues, fixing them remains challenging due to limited expertise and time.

Pay down security debt with Copilot Autofix

GitHub customers often deal with large backlogs of security vulnerabilities. These are time consuming to address and take focus away from new development.

Decrease secret leaks with GitHub Advanced Security secret scanning

Discover how to help keep secrets secure, regardless of their structure.

A dark background with three large, gradient-filled circle and square, overlapping shapes positioned partially off-canvas, from the top-right of the image. Webinar: Transforming application security with AI.

Transforming application security with AI

From prevention to remediation, AI-assisted tooling changes everything. The future of secure software development is here. Let’s dive in.

Application Security 3.0

Discover how to proactively secure your software and defend against potential threats at our virtual summit, now available on demand! Gain valuable insights and practical strategies to enhance your code security and reduce risk with industry experts from 42Crunch, NowSecure, and Nucleus Security.

Appsec Talk - Hashicorp

How Hashicorp secures their code

Demo Day: Achieving DevSecOps with GitHub Advanced Security

Get hands-on support for the next step of your DevSecOps journey. Join us for a technical deep dive into GitHub Advanced Security with a step-by-step demo on features like code scanning and secret scanning—and a look at what this means for baking security into the developer workflow.

Complex, siloed, slow: Top AppSec pitfalls and how to avoid them

Secure software is critical for organizations to stay in business today. But security can be easier said than done—due to the complexity, siloed teams, and slow processes.

Managing your projects in GitHub

How to organise, manage and track the progress of your projects with GitHub, using features as milestones, labels, issues, and projects. We will also share an overview of tools from our GitHub Marketplace that build on top of issues and pull requests.

Thought Leadership: Productivity Polarity in the Age of AI

Thought Leadership: Productivity Polarity in the Age of AI