GitHub at Agile + DevOps East 2023


About this event

Did you know that four million organizations look to GitHub as a platform for building secure software?

See our popular productivity, automation, and security tools in action at Agile + DevOps East—a conference focused on helping teams deliver reliable, secure software applications.

Visit us at our booth to discover how GitHub can help your team accelerate high-quality software development, supercharge collaboration, and embed security into the developer workflow to ship secure code, faster.

Feel free to drop by or complete the form below to schedule your booth appointment with our experts.

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Looking for more? Mark your calendar for our conference speaker sessions.

Automating Repetitive Tasks with GitHub Actions
Thursday, November 9 at 7:30am

Automation has plenty of widespread benefits, particularly when it comes to the development workflow and DevOps lifecycle. But adoption can be difficult and lead to silos across businesses and teams, not to mention added complexity when dealing with legacy tools. GitHub offers solutions to these challenges through CI/CD governance across your entire organization. In this session, we’ll walk through features like Branch Protection Rules, Reusable Workflows, Required Workflows, and more to achieve organization-wide governance in a scalable and consistent way.

AI and the future of coding
Thursday, November 9 at 11:30am

Over the years, we've seen countless shifts in how applications are built. New languages and frameworks have streamlined development. Visual and no/low-code have empowered non-traditional coders to create apps. And now we have AI tools, which can create code "for us." So where does this leave our developers? If used well, AI is a tool that can help our devs be more productive and find more satisfaction in their jobs.

In this session, we’ll discuss what AI can and can’t do in the world of coding, how we can incorporate it into our existing workflows, and how to get the most out of it to meet the new and challenging demands of today.

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