Welcome to GitHub for Startups!
Go from idea to IPO on the world’s best all-in-one platform with free private repositories, CI/CD, and everything you need to scale fast.
Free access to GitHub Enterprise
Get up to 20 seats of GitHub Enterprise free for one year and 50% off in year two.
The industry’s best DevOps platform
Get access to GitHub’s complete platform to build your business all in one place.
Tailored product guidance
Get a startup-friendly onboarding experience, office hours, and technical best practice sharing.
GitHub for Startups Sign-up Form
Funding Stage: Must have received outside funding (up to Series B or earlier).
New to GitHub Plans & Credits: Must be new to GitHub Enterprise or Advanced Security, or have not been on an Enterprise plan within the past 6 months, including not having received credits for either plan.
Getting Started:
Sign up for a GitHub Enterprise trial with personal accounts and ensure a valid payment method is on file.
Submit your application after setting up your trial.
Our team will review your application within a few business days. If approved, we’ll apply the benefits and send a welcome email. If ineligible, we’ll inform you of the reason.
If you’re interested in accessing GitHub Advanced Security benefits, please contact the GitHub for Startups team before applying to ensure the offer is applied correctly.
If you’ve already set up GitHub Marketplace apps, Copilot for Business, Copilot Enterprise, or previously signed up for an Enterprise trial, please contact the GitHub for Startups team for a seamless onboarding process without interrupting your current plan.
Important things to know:
Subscription Model: We do not support the pay-as-you-go billing model. By applying, you agree to switch to a subscription-based pricing model for the duration of your participation in the GitHub for Startups program.
Metered Add-ons: Metered product add-ons (like Copilot, larger runners, Codespaces, etc.) are not included in the program, and will be charged at standard rates.
Managed Users: Enterprise Accounts with managed users are not supported.
For any questions, please contact the GitHub for Startups team.