A cartoon person holding hands with a robot both with multiple speech bubbles

GitHub Copilot Extensions Frequently asked questions

Brian A. Randell
Brian A. Randell // Staff Developer Advocate // GitHub

In this module, we’ll cover common questions & answers related to GitHub Copilot Extensions.

What are GitHub Copilot Extensions?

GitHub Copilot Extensions are add-ons that integrate third-party tools and services into GitHub Copilot, enhancing its functionality by allowing developers to interact with these tools directly from the Copilot interface inside their IDE and github.com.

How do I get GitHub Copilot?

See pricing and details.

Who can build GitHub Copilot Extensions?

Any developer or organization can build GitHub Copilot Extensions for private use. Creating public extensions and publishing via the GitHub Marketplace requires verification and more.

How do I install a GitHub Copilot Extension for myself?

Published extensions can be installed via the GitHub Marketplace with just a few clicks, and once installed, they integrate seamlessly with the Copilot interface.

Can I build private extensions for my organization?

Yes, organizations can create private GitHub Copilot Extensions tailored to their internal tools and workflows, ensuring that proprietary data and processes remain secure.

What are the benefits of publishing my extension to the Marketplace?

Publishing to the Marketplace increases your extension's visibility, allows you to reach a broader audience, and provides opportunities for feedback and collaboration with other developers.

Can My Copilot Extension work in the GitHub Copilot CLI Interface?

At this time, no.

Can My Copilot Extension work in GitHub Mobile?

GitHub Mobile support is coming soon.

Up next: GitHub Copilot Extensions module wrap-up

Get started with GitHub Copilot