GitHub at BSides Denver


About this event

Connect with us at BSides Denver to discover how CodeQL is used by developers to automate application security checks, as well as by security researchers to perform variant analysis. See how using CodeQL can increase security engineers productivity while automating compliance work.

Drop by our table for a chat and some Octocat swag!

If you’re looking to learn more about GitHub security offerings, check out the session details from one of our very own, Jose Palafox, Strategic Application Security Executive, and complete the form below if you would like to meet him at the event!

GitHub Session:
Cracking the Code: Unleashing CodeQL's Superpowers for Open Source Security

In the vast landscape of open source software, security researchers play a pivotal role in safeguarding its integrity. Join us in this presentation and live demonstration as we explore CodeQL Multi-repo Variant Analysis (MRVA). Discover how MRVA enables security researchers to harness the strength of CodeQL across thousands of public repositories on GitHub simultaneously, revolutionizing vulnerability detection and fortifying open source projects at scale.

Date | Friday, September 8

Tivoli Student Union
900 Auraria Pkwy
Denver, CO 80204

See you in Denver!

Meet the GitHub team